New services announced

USA Tech Solutions announces some new service offerings: Productivity Business Applications Nuvolex ManageX Platform – The Nuvolex ManageX Platform is the IT industry’s most advanced Multitenant XaaS Management Platform. The ManageX platformRead More...
By : Christine Iser | Feb 18, 2020

[Tue, 10 Oct 2017] – US data center outage – why it was triggered and the measures taken thereafter

[Tue, 10 Oct 2017] – US data center outage – why it was triggered and the measures taken thereafter We’d like to shed some light on the US data center outage thatRead More...
By : Christine Iser | Oct 12, 2017

We’ve enabled free, Let’s Encrypt-based SSL certificates in the Control Panel

[Fri, 28 Apr 2017] – We’ve enabled free, Let’s Encrypt-based SSL certificates in the Control Panel. Introduced in 2016, Let’s Encrypt represents a free open certificate authority (CA), which provides website ownersRead More...
By : Christine Iser | May 24, 2017

DNSSEC enabled for domain names on our platform

[Fri, 10 Mar 2017] – DNSSEC enabled for domain names on our platform By translating domain names into IP addresses, the Domain Name System (DNS) makes client-server communication possible and is crucialRead More...
By : Christine Iser | May 24, 2017

A new ICANN policy is now in force – all Whois updates will be subject to confirmation

[Tue, 6 Dec 2016] – A new ICANN policy is now in force – all Whois updates will be subject to confirmation ICANN – the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers,Read More...
By : Christine Iser | May 24, 2017

New Python Settings Section In Control Panel

[Thu, 1 Dec 2016] – A new Python Settings section is now available in the Control Panel Following the feedback of web developers, we’ve added a new functionality to the Advanced sectionRead More...
By : Christine Iser | May 24, 2017